Fibers used by human being for meeting his need since start of dawn of civilization. Among the fiber crops, Jute, and Allied fibers has important economic and commercial importance. Jute is an indispensible fiber crop after cotton for human. Stem-Rot of Jute may attack both species of Corchorus capsularis L. and C. olitorius L. and is prevalent in all the jute growing regions of world. The pathogen may attack at any stage of growth of jute plant. The pathogen survivesin seed, soil, weeds like Cyperusdistans and on jute stubbles in sclerotia form. Root rot is similar to stem rot except affected part in earlier one is root and in later one is stem. Rootrot of Jute may attack both C. capsularis L. and C. olitorius L. and is common in all the jute growing regions of world. The disease may attack jute plants at any stage of growth. The anthracnose disease on capsularis jute is caused by fungus Colletotri-chum corchorum.