Sorghum belongs to family Poaceae. The principal areas of sorghum cultivation are Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka. Sorghum diseases are considered to be the major constraint in realizing proper yield potential. Sorghum crop is attacked by a large number of diseases, infecting, grains, foliage, and roots. Leaf blight of sorghum caused by Exserohilum turcicum Leonard and Suggs is a major foliar disease of sorghum, which substantially damages the foliage. Exserohilum turcicum causing leaf blight exhibits good tolerance to varied ranges of agroclimatic conditions over the globe in several members of Poaceae causing considerable economic damage. Pathogen E. turcicum also infects other hosts like maize, sorghum halpencse, teosinte, paspalum, Echinoculoa, Triticum, Hordium, Avena, oryza, and Saccharum under inoculation. Foliar application of chemicals to manage foliar diseases of sorghum is usually considered impractical, because the cost may exceed benefits, especially with sorghum grown in stress environment with low cost inputs.