Today’s world has buildings which are more sophisticated, as the physical things in them have been connected through communication media, like the Internet, thus creating cyber physical systems (CPS). The buildings of today have many CPS, like smart air-cooling systems, that are aware of ambient environmental conditions, like room temperature, and take action accordingly, smart water meter systems, that measure the usage of water in buildings and provide details to each home and the corresponding government bodies for analysis, and smart electric power maintenance systems, that measure electricity usage and automate control to user commands from smart phones.

All these CPS in buildings make our lives more sophisticated but, in order to make our lives smarter, we need to add an intelligence factor. We can achieve cyber physical intelligence when all these smart utilities are connected through an intelligent agent, like today's Google Home or Amazon Alexa. The advances in machine learning domains, such as distributed machine learning, stream analytics and hardware advances, like Edge tensor processing units, neural sticks, nano graphics processing units, can provide the basis for connected intelligent agents in buildings. As we connect various multi-modal CPS in smart buildings, that use vision, language and control to a general intelligent agent, we will move one step closer towards achieving “Singularity”.