Pointed gourd is extensively cultivated in Eastern Indian states particularly in Bihar, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, and to some extent in Orissa. The plant remains dormant during the winter season and prefers a fertile, well-drained sandy loam soil due to its susceptibility to water-logging. The fruit is the edible part of the plant, which is cooked in various ways either alone or in combination with other vegetables or meats. The bacterium is seed-borne and persists on infected crop refuse. The bacteria invade the seed coat through the vascular system from the fruit into funiculars. Cotyledons are not known to be invaded until after germination. The bacteria overwinter in the bodies of adult cucumber beetles of which there are two species: the striped beetle, Acalymmavittata. Anthracnose of cucumber was first reported from Italy in 1867 and later from England in 1871.