The jackfruit is also known as jack tree, or sometimes simply jack is a species of tree in the mulberry family. It has pointed projections outside and soft flesh inside, which is intensely sweet and delicious in taste. The causal organism is a green parasitic alga whose usual hosts are plants with leathery leaves such as cotoneasters, magnolias, hollies, rhododendrons, and viburnums. Algal leaf spot is a foliar disease most commonly seen in warm, humid climates or in greenhouses. Discoloration and darkening of the bark from the tip downwards are the main symptoms of the disease. The spot on the leaf is irregular in shape and size, light to dark brown surrounded by diffused chlorotic yellow hallow, marginal leaf tissues become black, necrotic, and gradually spread to the leaf center. The pathogen has septate mycelia with inter and intracellular haustoria. Sexual spores are the ascospores borne in ascus, and the asexual spores are Conidia borne in sporangia.