This chapter focuses on the critical analysis of the potential environmental impacts of various state-of-the-art green extraction methods applied to valorize food processing and addresses the regulatory and legal constraints of the green extraction procedures. Life Cycle Assessment takes into account a product’s full life cycle, from the extraction of resources and the processing of raw materials, through production, use, possible recycling, to the final disposal of remaining waste. Ultrasound-assisted extraction is widely used for valorization of agri-food raw materials, by-products, or wastes that contain valuable bioactive compounds, such as aromas, pigments, antioxidants, and other organic and mineral compounds. At a regulatory level, it can be concluded that the further use of by-products for food ingredients must comply with the definition of the regulation that lays down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishes the European Food Safety Authority, and lays down procedures in matters of food safety.