The main concept presented in this chapter is the application of green roads and sustainable solutions to overcome the high use of energy and greenhouse emissions in the road construction industry. Materials extraction and production, material transport, heavy equipment uses, and construction waste are the kinds of activities in roads construction that are main contributors to issues in environment. As a solution towards less pollution and emission in the environment, this chapter suggests several methods to promote green and sustainable solutions. Chemical conversion techniques which use a catalytic methanation system are highly recommended to convert CO2 gas to the natural gas of methane which can control air pollution from asphalt plants. The application of reclaimed asphalt pavement to save natural resources and manage the waste construction, use of warm mix asphalt and cold mix asphalt to save energy consumption and lower temperature are discussed. Furthermore, promoting biofuel as an alternative fuel source in heavy duty equipment for material transport to construction site is examined. These techniques play an essential role towards the road industry lasting in the future.