This proposal highlights the concept of green economy, which comprises of many factors. The following five factors are the major components for that. These are (1) divest from fossil fuels, (2) efficient use of energy, (3) rReduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, (4) energy production from waste materials, (5) use of renewable sources of power. Due to time and budget constraints, this proposal highlights only three from the above. The green economy is often given priority in policies; its emphasis is extremely timely given recent interest in shifting to green economy and carbon neutral materials for the construction of basic facilities. Appropriate planning with new sustainable ideas will help to remedy the economy and environment for the recent critical issues of the world. Sustainable development contributes to the fast growth in economic, social, environment, energy, and transport sustainability. Production of carbon neutral materials, hydrogen fuels, bio-fuels, and the assessment of their commercial potential are discussed. This study will provide a useful reference for carbon neutral material in sustainable construction developments. It can be concluded that the green economy is all about distributing sufficient resources for better transformation of fast economic growth for increasing the priority given to environmental policy.