Hemorrhoid is an anorectal disease that affects more than half of the population in the United States. Majority of the causative factors of hemorrhoid are: sedentary life style, low fiber diet, constipation, obesity, and pregnancy. Hemorrhoid is not a malign perianal illness, and vasodilation on plexus haemorrhoidalis vein leads to this disease. Hemorrhoids are usually seen in three areas, which are left lateral, right anterior, and right posterior; and can be categorized as external, internal, and mixed (internal and external). Anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, corticosteroids, local anesthesia, and some plant extracts are used for healing of hemorrhoid. Patients generally choose plant-based intestinal regulators and phlebotonics for general therapy. Plants or plant extracts have been used either directly or with mixed preparation containing some chemicals. There are a limited number of plants to treat hemorrhoids, such as Aesculus hippocastanum L., Hamamelis virginiana L., Ruscus aculeatus L. etc. Phytochemicals to treat hemorrhoids and venous insufficiency are flavonoids, steroidal saponins, terpenes, and triterpenes. This chapter includes brief information on hemorrhoids, anti-hemorrhoidal plants, and most commonly used preparations and their activities.