Cancer is one of the major causes of death in not only developing but also developed countries despite of achievement of advanced modern medicine. As cancer is a preventable disease, finding more effective phytochemicals in prevention of the disease can be less costly and more effective and safer at the same time. Phytochemicals, any of various biologically active compounds found in plants, are useful compounds which have been focused on tor treating cancer throughout history because of their low toxicity, safety, and widespread availability. Consumption of sufficiently high amount of fruits and vegetables is in a positive association with reducing cancer risk in humans. Helpful phytochemicals are used not only as disruption of anomalous signaling pathways heading to cancer but also as contribution with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. For this reason, some of the naturally appearing phytochemicals which are known as effective components in cancer chemoprevention having therapeutic potential have been discussed for many years. In the current book chapter, the anticancer effects of some of biologically active molecules such as polyphenols, terpenoids, organosulfur compounds, and phytosterols and their derivatives will be discussed. Finally, via this chapter, we will try to provide solid evidence to support of phyto-chemicals or dietary agents’ application in both prevention and treatment of cancer.