Flexible foam systems based on MDI are complex and muti-dimensional in their response and typically require many iterative experiments to achieve specific targeted formulations. While practical/workable formulations are eventually achieved by use of an iterative approach, the broader technological basis for the formulation is never fully understood nor mastered.

A program was undertaken to explore the technology potential for MDI/TDI blends in flexible foams. Due to the complexity of this undertaking, it was decided that an experimental design approach might elucidate the working behavior of MDI/TDI blends in flexible foams much better than the old iterative approach. The predictive models achieved with experimental design clarified the formulation ranges achievable. These predictive models were then further analyzed via a ‘fundamental polymer physics calculation model’ called FormCalc© to further define the ‘Root Polymer’ basis for the key formulation responses. Using this approach it was possible to model formulation requirements in terms of the structure property relationships for various applications and processes.