Internet of Things (IoT) Systems consists of electrical and electronic elements and can be used to perform safety functions in industrial and road vehicles. The International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) 61508 is the standard applied for functional safety of Electronic (E)/Electrical (E)/Programmable Electronics (PE) and other safety related system; whereas ISO 26262 is applicable for road vehicles. IEC 61508 is generic standard which applies to E/E/PE systems irrespective of their application and provides guidelines on product development in compliance with safety features. ISO 26262 follow on standard of IEC 61508 which focus on road safety for electrical or electronic systems. This paper helps to understand key terminologies of these two standards and helps developers to asses SIL/ASIL (Safety Integrity Level/Automotive Safety Integrity Level) levels. It provides comparison on key metrics calculation between ISO and IEC. If a product developers achieve certain SIL in compliance with IEC standard, it gives and assessment claim to convert to ISO ASIL level and vice versa.