During the first half of the fourteenth century the council of Seville, supported by the Castilian monarchy and the local nobility is involved in a constructive program that should have required a huge logistical effort for the time and the means available in that area. This constructive program consisted in the construction of a defensive network, to the south of the territory that it controlled, in the so-called “Moorish strip”, which as a mesh, included at least 40 defensive towers and lookouts that located in strategic positions and visually communicated between they aimed to neutralize the Nasrid attacks on this border area.

Through a software to process digital images and, through the combination of digital photogrammetry and computer vision techniques, generating a 3D reconstruction of the element analysed, we will try to propose a constructive and typological analysis methodology. This work, in addition, is part of a doctoral thesis and an ID project that aims to generate strategies of value enhancement and collaborative heritage management that involve various disciplines and social actors.