Vaginal dryness is common at all ages but is particularly so during and after the menopause. The usual female sexual response cycle involves smooth muscle relaxation which results in increased pelvic blood flow, vaginal lubrication together with labial and clitoral engorgement. Most women find that stimulating the clitoris is most arousing followed by the vaginal vestibule, periurethral glans, labia minora and the anterior wall of the vagina. Clinicians should be aware of iatrogenic causes such as radiation, chemotherapy treatment and other medications including some contraceptive pills, anti-depressants and beta blockers. Vaginal moisturisers provide comfort and offer long-term benefits and therefore are primarily used for the relief of vaginal dryness on a day-to-day basis. Vaginal moisturisers are absorbed into the skin, rehydrate dry mucosal tissue and adhere to the vaginal lining, thereby mimicking natural vaginal secretions. Hyperosmotic preparations can cause irritation of the mucous membrane together with genital burning, heat and itching.