The scale of the issue is immense; across America as of the 21st May 2020 nearly 38 million have filed jobless claims. Suicide is a devastating event that has wide implications for the families, friends, and all associated with the victim. Suicide is recognised as a serious public health issue, claiming the lives of nearly 800,000 people globally, of which 75% are men, with 13.5 male suicides per 100,000 population and 7.7 per 100,000 for females. Suicide rates vary considerably across the world, with the highest levels being found in low- and middle-income countries (79%) and over half are occur before the age of 45 years. Schizophrenia when coupled with comorbid depression has a marked effect on suicidal behaviour – especially for first episode psychosis, with the effect lasting up to 10 years. Higher levels of suicide are found in gay and bisexual men and in transgender men.