Imagine: you are sitting in the bath reading this chapter. Normally, you look forward to this relaxing moment, this mini-holiday, an opportunity for time out in a hectic day when you can also fully concentrate without distraction. However, it is late, you are overtired, the bath is neither hot nor full enough, you cannot settle into a comfortable position to read, and you are now irritated that you have not got the hang of the paragraph you have just read. Nevertheless, from the late evening’s ruins, a nascent idea dawns, and you want to get it down before it evaporates – but you do not have a notebook and pen handy! You go back to the paragraph and read it again, but find yourself drifting and nodding with tiredness so that you nearly let the book fall out of your hands. You come back to reality with a jolt, the edge of your expensive and once-pristine book now stained with bathwater. The book suddenly feels very heavy and awkward to hold.