An increasing number of studies are being presented that show the potential benefits of virtual reality (VR)-based interventions to ameliorate motor impairments after stroke, with special efforts on the rehabilitation of the upper limb function. Despite their also high incidence and adverse effects on self-dependence, less attention has been traditionally paid to recovery of balance and postural control. However, as any other motor control process, research has shown that individuals with balance deficits after stroke can benefit from intensive, customized, and task-oriented exercises that provide multisensory feedback. We hypothesized that VR-based training of the ankle, hip, and stepping strategies based on these motor learning principles would maximize the effects on balance recovery. In this chapter, I will summarize the results of a series of studies, supported be new analyses of aggregated and unpublished data, on the effectiveness and acceptability of these interventions in adults post-stroke and their clinical implications.