India is facing a serious challenge on disposal of sludge. Disposal on to land results in high cost and potential environment problems. The main objective of this study is to investigate the composability of sewage treatment plant sludge on addition of Trichoderma as an activator. Trichoderma is a fungi which consist of various enzymes which will decrease the infection of a wide range of Phytopathogens. Aerobic composting method was adopted in which a mixture containing sludge and 15% of Trichoderma by weight of sludge were taken. Evaluation of the following properties showed that the prepared compost has a moisture content of 55%, bulk density of 414 kg/m3, Porosity 45.7%, Water Holding Capacity 152%, pH 5.57, Conductivity 140μS/min, Total organic matter 37.11%, Total Carbon 21.52%, Total nitrogen 0.77%, Nitrate 0.174%, Total Phosphorus 0.602%, Total Potassium 0. 804% and C:N ratio 27.96. The results showed that the compost was successful in meeting the permissible limits of good compost as per various standards.