There are two chapters touching on the concept of game design in context of sex scenes and sexual content; the first deals with branch-based design such as dialogues and menu options. On top of the earlier discussions for using branching choices for consent and initiating sex, there are ways that branching choices can set up the “how” of sex; players can choose the way they have sex rather than just “sex, yes or no?” These in turn can allow players to reveal and shape their character’s dynamics (with themselves and with their partner) through sexual choices: how fast do they move, what kinks do they have, and even what they’re feeling in the moment. Branching choices and dialogue can also be good ways to explore different aspects of the NPC in the context of sex. They can even offer choices in terms of how to have sex in the environment and how that might affect the general mood of the scene (e.g., tender and gentle on a bed, desperate and passionate on the floor). Readers are invited to workshop similar decision points for the sex scenes in their projects.