This chapter continues exploring sexuality in games from the viewpoint of game mechanics, but this time from the perspective of more active mechanics or “verbs,” as opposed to branching choice. Tabletop game designer Sharang Biswas provides an in-depth discussion of how sexual game mechanics can be avenues of self-exploration and for engaging in different emotions. He provides a strong foundation of principles, supported by tabletop and video game examples, for moving beyond cutscenes and into “playable” sex. The rest of the chapter explores some possible game design verbs that can be used to explore this space: touching, climbing, building, falling, tumbling, and connecting. But there are, of course, even more gameplay verbs out there to explore in the context of sex! Workshop questions examine how other games use gameplay as part of sex, as well as considering what verbs can be used in future projects; there’s even a fun thought exercise about making non-sexual games sexy!

A contribution from Sharang Biswas illustrates Tabletop Games that invite players to explore their sexuality. In digital games, this translates into game verbs such as touching, climbing, building, and falling. Special emphasis is placed on connecting as an important game mechanic in sex scenes – both the physical and the emotional type.

In the Analytic workshop, the reader and their team study the gameplay verbs used in the sex scenes of the game chosen for analysis.

In the Creative workshop, the team should define gameplay verbs that will apply to sexual content in the game, including “talk” and “pick choices” but going beyond these if possible.