Cheminformatics, which is the combination of chemistry and informatics, this field mixing of those information resources to transform data into information and knowledge for the intended purpose of making better decisions faster in the area of drug lead identification and optimization. Here, cheminformatics refers to the application of computer technology in anything that is associated before the development of computerized data storage for chemical compounds. An effective data mining system helps to create and study new chemical objects in which it allows authentication and checking of physical and chemical characteristics among a large collection of described compounds. It is without doubt that cheminformatics helps humanity in many ways especially in the drug-making activity and in discovery of new drugs. Furthermore, it also opens up new 2area for research and development and also increases opportunities for education. Information system and technology plays a major and crucial part in cheminformatics, especially to store the tremendous amount of data relating to chemical compounds and other chemical information. In this study was highlighted the impact of information system and technology to enabling accessibility of these data since it can be easily obtainable for further stages and processes. Without information system and technology, chemists would not be able to create new drugs easily, resulting in a huge setback on the drug discovery process. Cheminformatics engineering has found a particular application especially in the pharmaceutical industry, but it is now beginning to penetrate into other areas of chemistry.