Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is involuntary leakage of urine in the setting of increased abdominal pressure, such as laughing, coughing, sneezing, or exercise. Incontinence pessaries are a safe and effective option in women desiring nonsurgical management or in whom medical comorbidities preclude surgery. Incontinence pessaries are feasible, safe, and effective for the treatment of SUI in women desiring nonsurgical management. Disposable incontinence devices have been developed and marketed for use for women interested in the nonsurgical management of SUI in the setting of short periods of activity. It comes in varying sizes, and depending on the brand, sizing are performed by the patient at home using a sizing kit or in the office similar to traditional incontinence pessaries. Disposable incontinence devices are provided as convenience, ease of use and cost effectiveness is also considered. Incontinence pessaries are a reliable, first-line therapy for the treatment of SUI and are considered in patients desiring nonsurgical management.