This chapter discusses the survey information of the medicinal plants that grows in the states of Santa Fe, Chaco and Formosa, mainly inhabited by the original towns Tobas and Mocovies. Tobas used to be one of the greatest communities of the Argentine region and they currently maintain one of the highest numbers of inhabitants, with almost 70,000 people. Ethnobotanical data look upon a wide range of information regarding the ways in which a cultural group or community interacts with its plant environment. Two of the main communities that inhabit the “Chaquena” and the “Espinal” phytogeographic provinces are the Tobas and Mocovies tribes. The Espinal phytogeographic province, also known as the Pampeano forest, extends as an arch from the states of Corrientes, the north of Entre Rios, and the central regions of Santa Fe, Cordoba and La Pampa; south-central of San Luis, southeast of Buenos Aires and a small extension of Rio Negro.