Sealing systems for various applications such as TBM’s segments, shield driven tunnels and various types of pipe jacking have been developed; they are used for roads, rail and metro infrastructures, as well for cable, service, water and sewer projects. One of the latest product which has been designed is a seal that’s anchored into the concrete, performing segment production and gasket installation easier and faster without manpower added and adhesive cost, shortened the process due to time savings for the grooved area cleaning, with relevant corner keystone protection advantages, with a quality insurance granted in line not only with the modern times but also with the new Industry 4.0 construction process integration. The article will describe also a different tunnel application in Metro Milano (starting seal) and with the biggest EPB-TBM presently running in the world St. Lucia (culvert seal), referring as well about a special device related to the 30 ton culvert handling procedure.