This article aims to show the importance of the site “Bê a Bá da Costura”, an online vehicle that teaches almost everything about sewing. Those responsible, two fashion designers from Teresina/Piauí/Brazil. Students from different courses participated in the research: Apparel Technician of the Federal Institute of Piauí-IFPI, Campus Teresina Zona Sul; Superior Course in Fashion Designer of the same institution and the Superior Course in Fashion and Styling of the Federal University of Piauí-UFPI. We used focus groups and unstructured interviews with UFPI students. We base the research on theorists such as Freire (2001); Castro (1991); Azevedo & Gonçalves (2006); Libânio (2009); Thiollent (1985); Vaillant (2012); Schön (2008), among others. The answers obtained lead us to believe that the site is really an “online friend” of these students, of all who access the tool, consisting of an important pedagogical tool in the teaching-learning process.