Local wisdom is a necessity that grows and develops in the midst of people’s lives, especially those who live in a particular ethnicity with the uniqueness and distinctiveness that is kept guarded for generations. Indeed, the existence of local wisdom in a culture that is of good value for social life can be transmitted not only to the local population but also to society in general. However, the rapid flow of globalization information in fact has a negative impact, many people finally come to a place that has a uniqueness is not to understand the local wisdom contained there but is used for just travel and leisure. This turned out to have a negative impact on the integrity of local wisdom values ​​where they local people have the desire to have the same life as tourists. This research was conducted in Kampung Dukuh, West Java, Indonesia. A village that still maintains the values ​​of local wisdom but begins to be displaced by modernity brought by tourists, with a qualitative approach and descriptive method, this study succeeded in explaining how local wisdom can be displaced by modernity, and how the repressive pattern prevents the values ​​of local wisdom it’s gone. this repressive pattern is not only useful for maintaining local wisdom but also providing social justice for the community with certain uniqueness in order to remain in the midst of globalization.