This study aims to foster awareness of social harmony through the education of character “tepo seliro” in children. Indonesia is a country that stands tall based on the value of diversity, including religious diversity. Various forms of violence against penghayat kepercayaan indicate the erosion of the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which has been underlying the life of the nation and state. Awareness of the spirit of social harmony, the understanding of diversity or plurality, as well as mutual respect for the religion and belief of each person are values that need to be grown and refreshed. Researchers see the urgency to socialize social harmony to the community, while the group selected is elementary school students to be more effective in instilling social harmony values. The socialization method chosen is character education in Dharma groups. The results of this study indicate changes in understanding and attitudes toward social harmony values. This explains that with the character education, we can foster awareness of social harmony in children.