This study aims to determine the role of leadership and discipline in improving the performance of employees at the General Bureau, Human Resources and Organization of the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia for Aceh province. Qualitative research methods are used in this study. The scope of this study is limited only to the General Bureau, Human Resources and Organization of the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia. The data collection techniques used in this study are interviews with informants who are relevant to the research.

The results showed that there are four indicators of the importance of the leadership role in improving employee performance. First, the leader’s ability to solve problems by utilizing a variety of existing resources in the Ministry, involving all parties in helping to jointly overcome these problems and providing the opportunity for employees to participate in training and development in order to improve employee performance. Second, the strategy undertaken to achieve the organization’s vision and mission should provide an insight to the various parties that they will be jointly responsible for the increase in tourism in the Ministry. Also, they should involve them in the formulation of the Ministry’s vision and mission, as well as making them jointly responsible for realizing these through the support of various program activities. Third, the ability to make decisions by involving all of the constituents who express concerns, and ensuring that a mutual decision is taken and that the decision is not just made by the General Bureau Chief, Personnel and Organization alone. The decision made by the head of the General Bureau certainly has an important meaning, both to others and to ourselves. Fourth, the ability to communicate by realizing effective communication. Communication occurs in both directions and the head of the General Bureau needs to establish communications with the whole sector when it is necessary.

In addition to leadership style, the improvement in employee performance due to work discipline is shown by the following indicators. First, the presence of employees shows a high level of discipline, however, there are still employees who arrive late and do not use their hours at work to the best advantage, as they often leave the office during working hours. Second, adherence to labor regulations can be viewed by the ability of employees to complete their work on time, although there are also employees whose work does not fit the mandate of leadership and who do not follow government procedures. Third, adherence to labor standards, although there are still employees who lack discipline. Fourth, high vigilance, which can be seen when employees carrying out the work, but cannot be seen in the use of office facilities and in the assignment of work to these employees. Fifth, work ethic, which involves all employees being friendly to fellow employees, mutual respect for fellow employees in the workplace, and honesty in carrying out the work. However, there are also employees who are not honest when performing their job.