Millions of people are affected by arsenic poisoning which is considered a world health concern. Pollution is triggered by arsenic draining into reservoirs from natural geological sources, polluting drinking water, and can also result from mining and other industrial processes. Uptake emerges mostly as a result of consumption from the small intestine, while minor absorption arises as a result of inhalation and contact with skin. Arsenic is a well-recognized human carcinogen that affects many organs. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and chronic diarrhea are immediately correlated with acute arsenic poisoning. On the other hand, severe exposure to arsenic leads to multisystem disease. For the treatment of chronic arsenic toxicity, there are no documentation-based therapeutic strategies; however, antioxidants have been suggested, even though there is no proof of effectiveness. The management's attention is on decreasing arsenic intake from drinking water, and expanding priority is placed on using alternative water sources.