This chapter discusses a classification of the interfacial skyrmionic systems based on the involved magnetic interactions as well as the structure of the underlying atomistic lattice. It reviews the multi-dimensional phase diagrams of the magnetic chiral systems, discusses the conditions for the appearance of skyrmions in each system class, and also reviews their physical properties. For skyrmionic systems on discrete lattices, however, fluctuations are particularly important; because their strength depends on the interplay between the lattice symmetry and the symmetry of interactions. The spin texture in magnetic materials is restricted to atomistic crystalline lattices. Magnetic skyrmions have recently been in the focus of intense worldwide research activities, because they exhibit intriguing properties such as small lateral size and expected high stability due to their topological protection and the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) interaction energy involved. The emphasis is put on ultrathin films with DM interactions induced by an interface between magnetic and non-magnetic metals.