Cloud Computing is basically idea about to share the resources, so in order to maintain the balance between the cloud user and cloud provider, there present a service level agreement in between of them. In this paper our objective is to discuss the Penalty and Reward Provision for cloud environment. In addition while the previous in literature seen Penalty provision on breach of SLA by violating services. Earlier researcher researched on various strategies for penalty calculation on violation done from the cloud SP side. So now in this paper we have discussed the penalty provision on cloud SU and the new concept of rewards for cloud SP and cloud SU on properly following the terms and conditions mentioned in Service Level agreement. Under this strategy the main focus is on the cloud user satisfaction towards various services such as IaaS, NaaS, PaaS and SaaS. In this paper we have mentioned various problems faced by the cloud SP and cloud SU or customer on violation of SLA and have discussed the certain parameters decline of which in SLA both parties get affected.