Evaluation of congenital dincludes detailed history-taking, including family history using pedigree charts and clinical examination. Head-to-toe examination in every case is vital irrespective of presenting complaints of the child/parent. It is vital to pick up both the hard and soft signs during a clinical examination. Congenital limb deficiencies are now classified into transverse and longitudinal deficiency, though the older terms are still used, but less often. Common orthopedic conditions with limb deficiencies are club hand, amniotic band syndrome, fibular deficiency, proximal focal femoral deficiency (congenital femoral deficiency), etc. It is important for clinicians to identify these deficiencies, which may be linked to systemic defects such as Holt–Oram disease, VACTREL association, spinal deformities, etc., and to address them in a timely and appropriate manner.