Searching for and substantiation of mechanisms and tools for transition to a sustainable development of domestic construction companies, involved in the transport infrastructure construction, under conditions of the transport infrastructure upgrade, predefines the relevance of the issue under study. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodological tool for assessing the impact of external risk factors on the activity of organizations, involved in the transport infrastructure construction, with due consideration of specific features of the current business environment. During the study, logical, statistical, sociological and simulation methods were applied, in particular: a) expert evaluation method; b) correlation analysis; c) regression analysis; d) comparison method. The obtained results of assessment of external risk factors for organizations, involved in the transport infrastructure construction, have shown that even those construction companies, which have sufficient potential at present, in the nearest future may be exposed to unfavorable external environment risk factors, if they do not increase investments in fixed assets and will not implement technological innovations. Identify external risk factors of the business environment for organizations; select indicators, characterizing external factors of the business environment of organizations; Identify key external risk factors for the business environment of organizations, involved in the transport infrastructure construction was developed during the study. Therefore, searching for tools, facilitating transition to sustainable development and enhancement of business efficiency of their operations, apparently becomes a priority task for these companies, allowing them to create an environment, favorable for continued development based on continuous improvements in engineering and technology, the use of innovative raw materials and quality improvement as well as for development of the competence of employees and organizations in general. The methodology proposed for assessing external risk factors of organizations, involved in the transport infrastructure construction, can be used to formulate various organization development vectors.