This chapter explores the ways in which interdisciplinary design teams use geovisualizations in research, design, and planning projects. Louisiana is an ideal laboratory for understanding the advantages and limitations of geovisualization as a tool for coastal resiliency. The complexity and dynamic nature of climate-stressed coastal environments defy simple, linear design solutions. The chapter also explores three different case studies that explore the applicability of geovisualization to coastal resiliency design, planning, and research. An interdisciplinary research project completed at Louisiana State University demonstrates the ability of maps to reveal significant patterns and scientific hypotheses. From social science research projects to regional master planning activities, the projects reveal the ways in which geovisualization maps can uncover patterns in complex data, articulate the scale of the coast, and facilitate collaborative resiliency planning. A interdisciplinary design competition in Louisiana revealed the ability of geovisualizations to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration.