Production of hard-to-recover reserves of Devonian system by drilling horizontal wells is one of the most promising areas of development of deposits in the Perm region. The main problems in the construction of wells with horizontal completion in the sediments of the Devonian system are related to the loss of stability of clay rocks ranging Timan terrigenous sediments. The destruction of clay rocks is a result of factors such as relieving current tectonic stresses and loss of stability of rocks due to the effect of propping microcracks under the influence of drilling mud. The geomechanical model is developed, the stability of the wellbore is calculated. Issued recommendations on the selection of the density of the drilling fluid and the most secure well path. Proposed component composition invert emulsion drilling fluids (IEF), designed to meet the real reservoir properties of unstable deposits of Devonian system.

The developed integrated approach is applied in the construction of a horizontal well on the deposits of the Devonian system. The well was drilled successfully, there were no problems with the stability of the borehole.