Facing the 4.0 industrial revolution, Universitas Negeri Malang has chosen Life-Based Learning (LBL) as its education and learning paradigm. Since 2016, in an effort to interpret LBL in practice, the REMAD COCOPER learning strategy has been developed. This strategy includes the activities of reading, creating mind or concept maps, discussing, collaborative learning, cooperative learning, presenting, elaborating, and reflecting. Through this learning strategy, prospective biology educators are given the opportunity to develop their capabilities through a professional learning community that allows them to design a method of learning that best suits the needs of the era and to pay attention to the development of 21st century life skills for their future students. This learning strategy has been piloted in several courses at both undergraduate and graduate level. The test results show that this strategy can be employed to teach students LBL and develop their capabilities. This is because every activity has the potential to develop their basic literacy, 4Cs competencies, and characters. Based on the results of the trial, it was concluded that this strategy could be utilized to improve the global competitiveness of prospective biology educators. It is suggested that efforts can be made to improve the learning processes by emphasizing the authentic assessment more rigorously and consistently.