The purpose of this research is to develop children’s motor skills through traditional games. In addition, this study was conducted to obtain in-depth information about the development and application of materials to teach traditional game material to improve the ability of motor skills that are the effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness of students towards physical education learning. This study used a qualitative approach based on the method of Borg and Gall (1983). namely using a questionnaire to collect data about: (1) Needs analysis; (2) Expert evaluation (initial product evaluation); (3) Limited trials (small group trials); (4) Main test (field of testing). Testing the effectiveness of applying models for motor skills based on traditional games using the ‘t-test’ technique. Before the data were analyzed, normality tests were performed on the pretest and post-test material for the capability of motion using the Lilliefors test at a significance level of α = 0.05. The following results are obtained: (1) through traditional games students have effective and efficient motor skills; (2) through traditional games, children are more motivated and active in following the physical education learning process.