School education is the basis of identity construction for girls in mathematics. Different stakeholders such as family, school, teachers, friends, and society play an important role in the construction of identity within school education. The main purpose of this study is to explore the identity construction of girls in school education. I adopted narrative inquiry as the research method for the analysis of the study. I have used Vygotsky’s self in cultural-historical activity theory as a theoretical perspective. I have selected four female participants, all purposively university-level mathematics teachers. The study is focused on how females are able to build up their identity in mathematics during their school education. The results show that for girls that are facing problems in their day-to-day life, it is critical for them to build up their identity during their time in school education. To establish the identity of a female, the family has to be encouraged and persuaded to support school education, the school needs to create a suitable environment for studies, teachers act as motivators and supporters, and society should not overshadow them with negative thoughts and beliefs.