Hair shaft disorders are a large group of congenital and acquired alterations of the hair shaft. Some of the hair shaft disorders are characterized by fragility, while the others affect the texture and appearance without causing hair breakage. Trichorrhexis nodose is the most common defect of the hair shaft that presents sparse, brittle hair with increased fragility. It might be an important diagnostic clue for metabolic disorders and ectodermal genodermotosis. Monilethrix is a rare, non-syndromic structural disorder of the hair. It is characterized by short and fragile hair, which consists of nodes and internodes resembling a pearl necklace. Trichorrhexis invaginata is also known as “bamboo hair” characterized with multiple knots and hair fragility. It may be isolated but more commonly occurs as a part of Netherton syndrome. Pili torti are a rare, congenital, or acquired condition in which the hair fiber is flattened at irregular intervals and twisted 180 degrees on the long axis.