Hair and scalp involvement can be appreciated in several systemic diseases. Among these, lupus erythematosus (LE) takes the first place displaying various kinds of alopecia, either scarring or non-scarring. Dermatomyositis is another autoimmune disease with a frequent occurrence of scalp disease which is mostly associated with persistent severe pruritus and burning sensation. Hair loss is a usual finding affecting a majority of the patients with LE during their disease course. Patients with LE manifests several different types of alopecia that can be generally divided into two groups; LE specific and LE nonspecific ones. Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) is one of the cutaneous diagnostic items listed in the SLICC criteria, and it is the most common type of scarring alopecia in LE. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate therapeutic intervention in early stages of the disease can reverse hair loss, providing hair regrowth.