In Burkina Faso, savanna woodlands are encountered in the North and South Sudanian sectors with a more pronounced presence in the western part than in the Eastern part of the country. The savanna in its multiple faces is the most common vegetation type found in Burkina Faso. There are three types of savannas that can be distinguished in Burkina Faso. They are tree savannas, shrub savannas, and grass savannas. In Burkina Faso, savanna woodlands are encountered in the North and South Sudanian sectors with a more pronounced presence in the western part than in the Eastern part of the country. Burkina Faso holds two hotspots of plant diversity: the Southwest around the sandstone massif of Mount Tenakourou in the Kenedougou province and the Southeast around the W National Park. The phytodiversity, in general, is under multiscale-threat including habitat, family, life-form and species level.