Fluctuations in weight, both drastic weight gain and weight loss, have the potential to impact many biological mechanisms in the human body, including a male’s ability to reproduce. To discern how body mass index (BMI) impacts the fertility status in males, it is essential to understand the endocrinology of the reproductive tract under homeostatic conditions. The stress and dysregulation of the endocrine system in individuals with abnormal BMI values is well documented. The mechanisms at work in the reproductive tract all depend upon signals from the hypothalamus. After the onset of puberty, the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone in a pulsatile fashion to stimulate spermiogenesis. The crux of the reason for infertility in obese men lies in hormonal dysregulation. The distribution of body weight is also an important factor to consider with regard to spermatogenesis. The deposition of excess visceral fat appears to be a better indicator for the development of an abnormal metabolic profile.