Human civilization and human scientific endeavor today is in the path of scientific vision and scientific regeneration. Environmental engineering science is witnessing drastic and dramatic challenges and surpassing one visionary boundary over another. Arsenic and heavy metal poisoning of groundwater in developed and developing economies are the cause of immense global concern and science and technology has few answers to the huge scientific barriers and hurdles. South Asian countries such as Bangladesh and India are in the midst of immense environmental engineering turmoil. Global water shortage, lack of pure drinking water and the intricacies of innovations and scientific vision will all lead a long and visionary way in the true emancipation of environmental engineering science and chemical process engineering. Arsenic groundwater poisoning in South Asia is human civilization’s largest environmental crisis. In this 222treatise, the author pointedly focuses on the immense scientific success, the vast technological profundity and the immediate needs of scientific vision and vast scientific innovation in tackling this issue. The authors lucidly depict the vast scientific research endeavor in the field of groundwater remediation of heavy metals, which includes arsenic also. This entire chapter covers the technologies used in groundwater remediation in India and Bangladesh. Separation science and chemical process technology are the immense scientific necessities of environmental engineering endeavor today. Human scientific progress in environmental engineering science needs to be envisioned and readdressed as research forays in groundwater remediation gains pivotal importance. Technological advancements, scientific achievements and vast scientific vision stand as major torchbearers in the research pursuit to global drinking water issues. This chapter will open new windows of scientific innovation and vast scientific ingenuity in the furtherance of science of groundwater remediation.