This chapter discusses a positive correlation between exposure of chemical pollutants and the increased risk of male subfecundity. To unravel mechanisms attributing to human infertility, a considerable amount of resources have been allocated to identify genetic targets on fertility. In fact, the decreasing trends in human fertility rates and the manifestation of male reproductive health problems, cryptorchidism and poor semen quality, support the notion. Parizek and coworkers identified that the testis was sensitive to cadmium toxicity, which caused testicular injury and male sterility. Understanding the actions and effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on the feedback circuit, steroidogenesis, and spermatogenesis can provide clues to test the hypothesis and to elucidate the roles of EDCs on perturbing reproductive functions. Identification of the effects and mechanistic actions of EDCs on reproductive functions in humans would help to understand their influence on animal health. The toxicity of perfluorinated compounds to male reproductive health has primarily been evaluated using animal and cell culture models.