Oddly, lawn signs are most helpful where candidates or issue-based campaigns need them the least, that is, where they will win anyway, by reducing the undervote. Lawn signs are basically a campaign's logo and, like trademarks, must easily identify your cause or candidate. In an issue-based campaign it is advantageous to connect a positive image with the ballot item. Lawn sign material that is not weatherproof will curl with the first heavy dew or light rain, and your campaign "look" will be one of litter. The sign was full-color and wildly expensive but became a huge part of the campaign. Getting good locations to display your signs is the second half of using lawn signs effectively. If you are working with a voter data network, trust me, the network has a mapping program—there has to be one, as it's what campaigns use to cut turf for canvassing and it's there for lawn sign installation as well.