G. A. Snow presents the 1.5 GeV in the CERN K-p experiment in the fourbody reaction. He presents that the Berkeley data, which has more statistical weight, shows the same thing: they do not see any evidence for this. In general bound states and resonances are more likely for states with lower isospins as one can see from the table of elementary particles and resonances. So there seems to be a correlation between the simplicity of quantum numbers and the possibility of bound or resonant states. The broken symmetry picture is hard to interpret on any fundamental theoretical basis, such a justification may be forthcoming on the basis of analytic continuation of resonant states in isotopic spin and strangeness. Elementary considerations show that for the high angular momentum states of interest such approximations are quite inadequate. For example, the magnitude of background amplitudes and widths must vary with energy perhaps by a factor of two, over the resonance region.