This chapter argues that the fundamental mis-framing of musculoskeletal anatomy has impeded our ability to diagnose and treat myofascial pain and traditional orthopedic pathologies. Biotensegrity theory and recent advances in fascial anatomy provide a context for understanding all other anatomic structures in new ways. The “trigger point” has become common knowledge among pain sufferers and athletes; foam rollers and other devices for the self-treatment of trigger points are now present in most gyms and available at most big box stores. In the research model of the decerebrate cat, scientists have explored the neurologic control of locomotion. The focus has been on the neurologic anatomy behind oscillating, controlled movement that is unconscious. Tensegrity theory was developed at the intersection of art and science at Black Mountain College in North Carolina during the 1940s. The Fascia Research Congress brings together manual and movement therapists from varied schools of thought with connective tissue researchers to facilitate creative advances.