This chapter describes the biopsychosocial model of managing chronic pain, with emphasis on the role of psychological intervention. To better understand the biopsychosocial model, the role of the brain in the pain experience will be expanded upon. A overview of cognitive-behavioral therapy is presented, underscoring the importance of cognitive processes and behaviors in the management of chronic pain. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, considered the gold standard for the treatment of chronic pain, has the strongest evidence base for treatment and will be presented in greater detail later in this chapter. The Gate Control Theory and the subsequent efforts to expand on this work highlighted the importance of central input modulation and biopsychosocial mechanisms in pain processing. Imaging studies examining hypnosis report hypnotic analgesia activity in pain-processing supraspinal areas, including the thalamus, sensory cortices, insula, anterior cingulate cortex, and frontal attentional control systems.