This chapter provides an basic template for the non-gynecologist to evaluate and treat gynecologic pain, encompassing common treatment options of both mainstream and functional medicine. The lack of clear understanding of anatomic considerations, inexperience with thorough and meaningful physical examination of the female reproductive system, and a natural discomfort with the intimacy associated with these syndromes lead many non-specialist clinicians to shy away from accurate diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic pain. Many emergency clinicians turn to CT as first line, but for purposes of gynecologic pain, pelvic ultrasound should be the first, and usually the only, imaging modality required. A brief and simplistic understanding of the menstrual cycle is necessary to understand the nature of gynecologic pain that is functional, or cycle-related. Terpenes are a large class of organic hydrocarbons interactive in the endocannabinoid system, giving further testament to the use of cannabinoids as well in the treatment of gynecologic pain syndromes.