This chapter is devoted to the discussion of circuit architecture for improving frequency. It presents an exemplary case of implementation on a field-programmable gate array. The chapter provides experimental data for supporting the proposed architecture. It also presents the time-average-frequency direct period synthesis syntonization scheme for improving long-term frequency stability. When compared with the ideal source, the frequency value of a real source always deviates from the specified value. This imperfection, which is caused by the combined effect of manufacture error, temperature variation, aging, and loading shift, shows its effect as frequency instability. The study on time/clock/frequency is a subject of multiple disciplines, including physics, communication, computer science, and very large-scale integration circuit design. A generic method for alleviating the frequency error problem is our challenge. To mimic the effect of frequency draft due to various reasons, a signal generator is designed and is used to generate a pulse signal whose frequency varies slowly with time in certain patterns.